B Bee
C Courier
CB Commercial Bulletin
DC Daily Crescent
DP Daily Picayune
DTD Daily True Delta
I Item
LA Louisiana Advertiser
LCA   Lafayette City Advertiser
MA Mercantile Advertiser
NOT New Orleans Times
S States
T Times
TD Times Democrat
TP Times Picayune


AN genealogical records
ASI American Street Railway Investments
ATL Southern Pacific Lines Across Texas and Louisiana, Joe Dale Morris and George Werner, Soouthern Pacific Hostorical & Technical Society, 2013
BE Report to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, City of N. O. on the Street Railway Situation, 1923, John A. Beeler Consulting Engineer, N. Y.
BHL “History of the Railroads of Louisiana,” G. W. R. Bayley, Louisiana Historical Quarterly, v. 30, New Orleans, 1947 (reprinted from the Daily Picayune of 1873)
C E. Harper Charlton, Electric Railway Car Trucks, Ed. Dr. Harold E. Cox, Forty Fort, PA, 1967
CCVG Visitors' Guide to the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition and New Orleans Commencing Dec. 16, 1884, and Ending May 31, 1885, Louisville, Ky., Courier Journal Job Printing Co., 1884
CL Chris Landaur, “Old Time Bus Lines and Street Cars in New Orleans,” Daily Picayune, July 30, 1911
CSL Century of Southern Pacific Steam Locomotives, Guy Dunscomb, G. L. Dunscomb & Son, 1963, Modesto, CA
CZ Das Eisenbahnbauwesen von Nordamerica, England und Anderen Ländern, Practisch und Populär Bargestellt von Chas. F. Zimplel, Nordamericanischem Eisenbahn = Ober = Ingenieur ... mit 236 Figuren, Wien 1840.  Initial translation by Bruce R. Holcomb, Orkoniitynkatu 26, 53850, Latpeenranta, Finland, 1999
DC Destination City, 1981 edition ed. by R. G. Henderson, orig. text by K. S. Kings, Australian Electric Traction Assn., Sydney, NSW; 1993 edition compiled by Norman Cross, ed. by Dale Budd and Randall Wilson, Transit Australia Publishing, Sydney, NSW
ET Electric Traction
ETJ Electric Transit Journal
FC “Southern Pacific's First Century”, Southern Pacific Public Relations Dept., 1955
G J. L. Guilbeau, The St. Charles Streetcar or The New Orleans & Carrollton Rail Road, New Orleans, 1975, 2d ed 1977, 3d ed 1992
GO Gordon Odegard, “New Orleans Palace Streetcar,” Model Railroader Magazine, Sept. 1984, pp 120-121
Guide Street Railway Guide to the City of New New Orleans and its Suburbs ... Completed up to March 1st, 1884, reprinted by Scholar Select, Fountain and Christian, Comp., UK
HS Alan R. Lind, From Horsecars to Streamliners — An Illustrated History of the St. Louis Car Company, Transport History Press, Forest Park, Ill., 1978
JCC Jewell's Crescent City Illustrated, New Orleans, LA, 1874
JRS John R. Stevens, “Pioneers of Electric Railroading, Their Story in Words and Pictures,” Headlights, vols. 51 & 52, 1989 & 1990, Electric Railroaders Association, NY, 1991
JW John H. White, Jr., The American Railroad Passenger Car, The Johns Hopkins Unversity Press, Baltimore and London, 1978
K Kentucky, a History of the State, Louisville & Chicago, F. A. Battey & Co., 1880, pp. 719-721, Capt. Pink Varbie biography
KIS#66 Edmund Keilty, Interurbans Without Wires — The Rail Motorcar in the U. S., Interurbans Special No. 66, Interurban Press, Glandale, CA, 1979
KIS#99 Edmund Keilty, Short Line Doodlebug — Galloping Goose and Other Rail Critters, Interurbans Special No. 99, Interurban Press, Glandale, CA, 1988
LaSR Hennick & Charlton, Louisiana, Its Street and Interurban Railways, two volumes, 1962 & 1965
L&N The L&N Employees' Magazine
MC Minutes — Directors Meetings — New Orleans & Carrollton RR Co, referred to in Hugh Mercer Blain, A Near Century of Public Service in N. O. (located in N. O. Ry. & Lt. Co. Baronne St. office, poss. destroyed in 1922 fire).
McG McGraw Electric Railway Directory, McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., New York
MP Minutes — Directors Meetings — Pontchartrain RR Co., located in Howard-Tilton Library, Louisiana Coll.
N Authors' Notes, Research in MMS Div, The Historic New Orleans Collection
NC Hugh Mercer Blain, A Near Century of Public Service in N. O., N. O., 1927
NOPS   Corp. Records (Work Orders, Purchase & Retirement of Revenue Cars, Number of Car, Bus, Trailer — Assignment of Indemnity Bonds — All Cars Listed, etc.) located in Louisiana Collection, N. O. Public Library
OR City Ordinances
P Photos, Authors' Collection & THNOC's Collection, at The Historic New Orleans Collection
Prince Richard E. Prince, Louisville & Nashville Steam Locomotives, 1968 revised edition, Green River, Wyo.
PM Henry V. Poor, Manual of the Railroads of the United States, NY, 1867 ff; American Bank Note Company, NY, printer of 1889 issue
PSR Pioneers of the Street Railway in the USA, Street Tramways in the UK...and Elsewhere, John R. Stevens and Alan W. Brotchio, 2017, Stenlake Publishing Ltd., 54-58 Mill Square, Catrine, Ayrshire, Scotland
RE Street Railway Equipment, Mechanical Section, Sec's VII & VIII, publ. by NOPSI, constantly updated.  Latest revision, Aug. 10, 1931
S Hennick & Charlton, The Streetcars of New Orleans, 1975 ed.
SA Scientific American
SCB Short Circuit Bulletin, Texas ERA, San Antonio, TX
SLC Southern Pacific Steam Locomotive Compendium, Dievert &aamp; Strapac, Shade Tree Books, 1987, Huntington Beach, CA
SR E. Harper Charlton, Street Railways of New Orleans, Interurbans Special No. 17, Los Angeles, Cal., April 1955
SRG Street Railway Gazette
SRJ Street Railway Journal
SS Sheriff's Sale(s) Orleans Parish, Recorded in Mortgage Office Books (prior to 1880s located in upstairs loft of Mortgage Office in N. O. City Hall)
TNOVGTexas & New Orleans, A. B. McLennan, 2008, Signature Press, Wilton, CA
VG Von Gerstner, Franz Aton Ritter, Die Innern Communicationen der Vereinieten Statten von Nordamerica, Vienna, 1843
WikiCM Wikipedia, “Charles Morgan (businessman)”, accessed May 12, 2015


AR Arch Roof
BT Bobtail Car
B Body
BLD Build(ing)
BLT   Built
BP Boiler pressure
BR Bombay Roof
CE Center Entrance
CLO* Closed
COA Coach
CPT Compartment
DR Deck (Monitor) Roof
DD Double Deck
DT Double Truck
FEN Fender
GE General Electric
HC Horse (or Mule) Car
HT Height
LGT Longitudinal
OA Over All
OB Over Body
ON Order Number
OP Open
OS Own Shops
P Photo, Drawing, Illus.
PL Platform
PM* Pedestal Mount
POS Possible(bly)
RR Railroad Roof
RB Rebuild(t,ing)
REN Renumber(ed,ing)
RG Regauge(ed,ing)
RT Retruck(ed,ing)
RV Reversible
SCR Scrap(ed,ing)
ST Single Truck
SLD Sold
TR Trailer
TV Transverse
VES Vestibule
W Width
WB Wheelbase
WH Wheel(s)
Whse Westinghouse
WS Wire Side (Semi-open)
WT Weight
Notes:   CLO   Most cars on columnar or order number lists are understood to be closed, thus symbol will not be used, but will appear in text.
PM   Journal box housing mounted on side sills, serving as ST upper chord, or on wooden upper chords of early DT designs.  Distinct ST appeared in N. O. with the storage battery operation, 1889-90 experimentation, 1890-91 revenue service on the “snake line” (Coliseum Line).  It is possible some of the earliest equiment used leaf springs or even layers of hide arranged as leaf springs, thus:



AN Annunciation
BSJ Bayou St. John
BR Broad
CA* Canal (Belt 1901-34. Cemeteries 1935 to ca 1950)
CDT Carondelet
CAR Carrollton (became St. Charles Belt)
CP* City Park
CLA Claiborne
CLI Clio
COL Coliseum
DAU Dauphine
DES*   Desire
DR Dryades
ES Esplanade (Belt 1901-34)
FM† French Market (Orleans RR Co. & N O City RR Co., 1st corp.)
—* Freret
—* Gentilly
HC Henry Clay
JA* Jackson
LA* Laurel
L&B Levee & Barracks
LO Louisiana
MG* Magazine
NA* Napoleon
NCLA North Claiborne
Oak Street Shuttle
Paris Ave. (branch of Broad)
PA Peters Ave.
PR Prytania
St. Bernard (branch of Broad)
SC* St. Charles (Belt 1900-51)
—* St. Claude
SCL* South Claiborne
South Claiborne Shuttle
SP South Peters
SF Spanish Fort
TCH Tchoupitoulas
TU* Tulane (Belt 1900-51)
VI Villere
WE* West End


C-L-Ten Clio Line
Cream Cheese Line Orleans RR Co. lines — The cars were reddish in color.  Lines served area where dairys were located, so the idea of “cheese” easy to understand.
Judah Hart Franchises There were two: No. 1 was the Henry Clay line and No. 2 was the Peters Ave. Line.  Hart family in N. O. financially involved with omnibus and street rys for decades.
Orleans & Jefferson, or “O&J”   First corp. to attempt building Napoleon Line (out from St. Charles).  The name stuck, though the corp. failed.  See p. j.
Royal Blue Line The Napoleon Line (out from St. Charles) successfully finished by the N. O. & Pontchartrain Ry. Co. and began operating in 1903.  See S p. 29.
Snake Line The Coliseum Line gained this due to its many curves.
Sweet Lucy The Louisiana Line in prohibition era (1920-1933) because bootleg whiskey made with wood alcohol was easily obtained in the area served by the line.  People there suffered low incomes and the depression made conditions worse, making the cheap “brew” a popular item.
White Line The St. Charles St. RR Co. colored its cars white, operated the Carondelet, Clio, and Dryades Lines.


—  (no abbreviation) Indicates no news reporting car numbers encountered.  After circa 1925 reports mentioning car numbers too infrequent to justify further search.
*   After 1935, these lines served by DT AR Perley A. Thomas-designed cars exclusively.  There are many photographs (N) showing the Thomas cars on these lines, which helps service record research since the papers declined rapidly in the 1920s as a source of car numbers & locations.
†   There were two different French Market lines, each belonging to a different railway (see S, pp 84-86).


accom accommodated
ann annual
approx   approximately
arr arrived
beg beginning
betw between
bldr builder
ca circa
compl complete(d)
conv converted
deliv delivered
demot demotorized
descr description, descriptive
desig designed
dim dimension(s)
disp disposition
elev elevated
elec electric
elim eliminated
engr engineer(ing)
eqpt equipment
estab established
fend fender(s)
ff follows, following
fm from
freq frequency
ga, gau gauge
GM General Manager
gnd ground
incl including
incr increase(d)
info information
L. H. left hand
loco locomotive(s)
maint maintenance
MM Master Mechanic
mms manuscript(s)
mot motor(s)
neut neutral
no(s) number(s)
oper operation(s), operated
orig original(ly)
p page
pass passenger(s)
pl, platf platform
poss possible, possibly
pp pages
prom promised
publ published
pur purchased
R. H. right hand
reorg reorganized
repl replaced
rev reversible
sched schedule
serv service
st standard
sub'n suburban
susp suspend(ed)
unk unknown
v, vol volume
w/ with
w/o without
xing crossing
yrs years

Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2017 Louis C. Hennick.  All rights reserved.


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